Closing Keynote: Making Mental Health a Priority For Your People

20 May 2020
5:30 pm:00

Closing Keynote: Making Mental Health a Priority For Your People

Before the recession even began, extended periods of long hours and high stress were already leading to burnout. And now, several weeks into the “always on” mentality, it’s become worse. People are still adjusting to working from home, working longer hours and feeling the need to be on call 24/7. This is compounded even further by worries about their own safety, the health of their families, homeschooling their children, and personal job security.

Greg Stern will discuss why – and how – the agency industry must immediately begin providing leadership on the issue of mental health. We all know there is a better way. If left unchecked, the risk is a collapse, as people begin to fold under the unrelenting pressure.